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When did we start doing what we are doing now?

Starlite Records is a part of the Starlite International Pty Ltd group.

Many areas of the company’s activities, were started way back in the late 1950’s. The record company and associated areas are mainly aimed at the nostalgia market which means much of our work is looking back into the time period of the mid/late 1950’s and early 60’s.

What other things does Starlite do?

Starlite Records or rather the people involved are a rather diverse crew. Much of what we do is within the broad spectrum of the Music and Entertainment business, such as production, publishing, managing marketing, promotions and tour promotion..

In the past, we have been involved in radio and TV production and some of our current projects are once again in this area..

Much of our time is also spent in our management and touring division with our shows performing right across Australia and some times in USA.

Where can you contact us?

Our contact addresses are..
Starlite Records
PO Box 3374
Liverpool NSW 2170 Australia

Phone: +61 2 9826 0220


Other Information

Our ABN number is 56003 472 017

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